WWW (World Wide Web) - to enter keyword and find information on websites contained of its database. Search engines like Yahoo or Google uses software that collects data from the web to include into its database.
There is 4 parts of search engines
a) Database
b) Web-Crawlers
An auto program or bot. Crawl all over the web page to collect keywords, titles, synonyms, access frequency and relevancy. The information record and stored in database.
c) User Interface
It is a app/site or page where user use to search and result presented.
d) Information Retrieval System

A system used to match the user's query to indexed webpages found in database and result presented in rank according to relevance.
Moreover, there is specialized search engines to search in a specific area . The Web page database is stored for a specific field. Example, Google Scholar, Education World and many more.

Besides that, there is meta search engine that match the user's query to multiple search engine. For an example, MetaCrawler, Savvy Search and few more.
As a conclusion, search engine and online database is what we use in our daily life to search for information and learn. Technology is very advance and knowledgeable.
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